On 2012-08-22 08:48, Ken Brown wrote:
On 8/21/2012 7:53 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
I have moved 1.9.3-p194-1 into the distro as a test release.  Please
update and/or test your packages ASAP.

I tested three of the TeX Live scripts (match_parens, epspdf, and
texexec), and all fail with a slew of error messages.  As an example,
I'm attaching the output of 'texexec test.tex 2> texexec.out'.  I'm also
attaching test.tex; it's a ConTeXt file that I successfully compiled
with texexec two days ago.

I don't know anything about ruby, but the error messages don't appear to
me to have anything to do with the specific scripts.

No, that's a problem with the revision I uploaded. Sorry about that. Please try again with 1.9.3-p194-2.


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