On 2013-04-10 08:16, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
- Does anybody know of a simple way to find out which packages in the 32
   bit distro are actually "noarch' packages?  The reason I'm asking is
   that I'm looking for a simple way to fill up the 64 bit distro with
   all the packages which don't come with binaries, but consist entirely
   of scripts and docs.

This should get us started:

for p in $(find release/ -name '*[0-9].tar.bz2');
  if [ $(wc -c $p | cut -d' ' -f1) -gt 46 ] \
     && [ -f ${p%\.tar\.bz2}-src.tar.bz2 ] \
     && [ $(find ${p%/*} -name setup.hint | wc -l) -eq 1 ];
    tar tf $p|grep -Eq '\.(exe|dll|so|a|cmxs|oct|dbg)' || echo ${p%/*};

However, I still think that separate i686/x86_64/noarch trees is the way to go, otherwise those using both Cygwins will end up needlessly downloading the same package twice, which doesn't happen on multilib Linux distributions (even when there are two copies on the server).


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