I have a package (socat) where I need to set the curr: and test: fields in
setup.hint.  I got tired of adding them to the autogenerated setup.hint files
after every build, so I wrote a patch for cygport to support specifying them in
the cygport file.  For example, setting


in the cygport file will give

test: 2.0.0-b8-1

in setup.hint. The PREV, PKG_PREV, CURR, PKG_CURR, TEST, and PKG_TEST variables
are all supported.

The variable name TEST might be too generic, but I'm not aware of any other uses
for it, and grep -r '\<TEST\>' in the cygport source turns up none.  If
necessary it could be renamed to e.g. SETUP_TEST, but then probably CURR,
PKG_CURR etc. would all have to be renamed too.

The patch is in the setup.hint branch of


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