On Sun, Jul 05, 2015 at 08:02:41AM +0200, Achim Gratz wrote:
> David Rothenberger writes:
> > I've rebuilt the package as curr and not test and uploaded to my area. I
> > did not create the !ready file.
> >
> > Is this the right way to do this? Or should I release a test package?
> As long as you remember what you did it's going to be OK.  A test
> package might only be needed if someone else asks for it or you need
> testers.

Is there a consensus on the way to upload files ready for Perl 5.22 to
be made available?  The Git packages are ready to go, but I'm not sure
if I should be uploading them without a !ready file, or as a test

Or is the idea just that we're going to try to coordinate the many
maintainers worldwide to all release at the same time on Friday?  As
that'll mean it doesn't matter that there's no consensus, it just seems
like it'll also be inordinately painful, too.

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