On 11/12/2017 4:27 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
+    <para>Some ancient Cygwin releases asked users to report problems that were
+      difficult to diagnose to the mailing list with the message:</para>
+    <screen>find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please 
+    this problem to the public mailing listcyg...@cygwin.com</screen>
+    <para>These problems were fixed long ago in updated Cygwin releases.</para>

The wording of the warning message was changed 3 years ago, in commit 0793492. I'm not sure that qualifies as ancient. I also don't think it's accurate to refer to the problem as "difficult to diagnose" or to say that the problems "were fixed long ago".

The issue (Corinna will correct me if I'm wrong) is simply that new releases of Windows sometimes require changes in how Cygwin finds the fast_cwd pointer. So users of old versions of Cygwin on new versions of Windows might have problems, and this can certainly happen again in the future. But the FAQ doesn't need to go into that. Why not just say what the warning currently says (see path.cc:find_fast_cwd()):

"This typically occurs if you're using an older Cygwin version on a newer Windows. Please update to the latest available Cygwin version from https://cygwin.com/. If the problem persists, please see https://cygwin.com/problems.html.";

You can also add your sentence about contacting the vendor who provided the old Cygwin release.


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