Thanks much Andy; I didn't pull down the sources but just took the
binary on the direct suggestion by Chris January (he knew what I
was trying to do but alas... :-))

Andrew Markebo wrote:
> I think I have found your 'problem', assuming you are using
> rdesktop.exe from
> If I have gotten stuff right, The target of this rdesktop.exe is to do
> a rdesktop running natively on a windows-machine, no X11 stuff needed
> during link (gcc -mno-cygwin -DWIN32_NATIVE [...] -lws2_32 -lgetopts
> -lgdi32 -luser32)
> Pull down the rdesktop source, and configure and make it natively
> under cygwin, I think you should get a better rdesktop.exe (final link
> command something like gcc [...] -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lcrypto)
>     /Andy
> --
>  The eye of the compiler rests on the code!
>             Please note, new email, ->

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