I got bored again :)

just changed xwxdm to launch rdesktop instead (line 449 - xwxdm.c, from XwinX source), this works with a couple of issues;

i) rdesktop doesn't accept the --display parameter
ii) rdesktop doesn't support MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authorization, which is what the xserver uses to make sure its the xdm server responding to it.

solution was to set xwxdm to launch

"DISPLAY=%s:%d rdesktop.exe -f localhost"

This seems to work fine, when I launch Xwin -ac -query winxpbox, the remote desktop pops up full screen in the window. Note this is with access control disabled.

I can only run 1 remote session at a time under XP, so I set xwxdm to launch xterm instead and found it will launch multiple sessions quite happily.


PS: Let me know if this works - I'm quite interested in this.

Jeremy Wilkins wrote:
I've had a thought about launching rdesktop from the windows term serv box.

Xwinx(.sourceforge.net) had an app the accepted xdm requests and launched xwinx, I think it only handled one connection at a time but I'd of thought it would be quite simple to modify it to launch rdesktop, and listen for multiple connections.

You don't need to worry about authentication because the term serv login will handle that, it can just run as an unprivilidged user.

Its in the 0.03 src.


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