Ralf Habacker sent some patches on 2003/09/05 that I am working on getting committed to the XFree86 CVS tree. Those two patches are here:


I have opened Bug 698 in XFree86's Bugzilla to track the fixing of the xf86bigfont extension initialization:


After Bug 698 is committed I will be adding a function (from Ralf's patches) to XWin.exe to check whether or not the IPC daemon is running, then I will be adding a call to that function in the initialization of the SHM and xf86bigfont extensions (again, per Ralf's patch).

This should result in a build of XWin.exe that supports SHM when the IPC daemon is running, but is not hindered when the IPC daemon is not running.

This will be a nice addition, as it will allow Ralf to stop distributing ancient copies of XWin.exe for KDE on Cygwin. :)

My one question is this: KDE on Cygwin (last I checked) is also distributing a handful of X libraries (X11?) that need SHM support as well, can SHM be dynamically enabled/disabled for these libraries, or are they going to have to be built in two different flavors still?

Regardless of the answer, adding dynamic SHM support to XWin.exe will solve the majority of the problems of KDE on Cygwin distributing custom files. XWin.exe gets updated so frequently that it would be an unreasonable burden for them to try to keep their copy up to date.


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