Woellert, Kirk D. wrote:

> True/False: The linux box in this case is the "X server" and the WinXP boxes
> are the "X hosts"

The "X Server" is the program which renders the windows and graphic. Which
is XWin for windows, XFree for linux or XSun for Solaris.

The "X Client" is any program which uses the rendering services of the
"X Server" eg. xterm, xclock, mozilla or mplayer just to name a few.

What you are most likely referring to is the XDMCP server. This is a login
server for the X11 Environment. It allows you to login and starts a session
with "X Clients" which let the "X Server" render their output.

> Where does one specify which client(s) can be allowed to talk to the Linux
> box?

for xdm and kdm this is /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess


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