On 9/27/2010 10:53 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:

There is a remaining issue -- which was there before but
which I had not posted about. If I Suspend/Resume, then
on resumption the driver disables the Aero theme and
points its finger at XWin.exe as the culprit, saying
it did something incompatible with Aero. You probably
know about this stuff, but here's the overall blurb

I can't reproduce this, so again, it seems to be driver-specific.

I presume some DirectDraw errors are still emitted over a suspend/resume cycle? 
Can you attach an
XWin.0.log showing them?

Yes, it is driver specific and at this point I have gone
back to an earlier driver where it tends not to happen.
I can try putting in a recent driver and capturing error
message for you when I have a little chunk of time to
mess with rebooting my system N times :-) ..................

Thanks, Jon -- Eliot

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