On 11/16/2014 10:14 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:
Marco Atzeri writes:
On 11/16/2014 7:30 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:
Marco Atzeri writes:
this is the pointer causing the segfault

(gdb) p form->form.horiz_base
$2 = (Widget) 0x6275705f6779632f

while similar pointers have a much smaller address,

(gdb) p w
$5 = (Widget) 0x60014bd50

so it that an assignment not clearing the upper
portion of the pointer.

$2 is not a pointer that needed partial clearing, it's a character string
"/cyg_pub".  Possibly a buffer overrun somewhere?  Hope the string fragment
points the way to somebody.


thanks for the hint,  "/cyg_pub" is a directory on the root

   $ ls -l / |grep pub
lrwxrwxrwx   1 marco          Administrators     19 Jun 26 19:11 pub ->

where the data file was stored,
however moving it to "/tmp" produce as result

   p ref
$1 = (Widget) 0x635f7261636e5f62 aka c_racn_b

that is not very meaningful to me, so the pointer corruption
can be very generic.

I was wrong. It is meaningful

(gdb) p form
$38 = (FormConstraints) 0x600000003
(gdb) x/20bs 0x600000003
0x600000003:    ""
0x600000004:    ""
0x600000005:    ""
0x600000006:    ""
0x600000007:    ""
0x600000008:    "\023\200"
0x60000000b:    ""
0x60000000c:    ""
0x60000000d:    ""
0x60000000e:    ""
0x60000000f:    ""
0x600000010:    "/tmp/sresa1b_ncar_ccsm3_0_run1_20p/es.nc"
0x600000039:    "ht_arrow"
0x600000042:    "ow"
0x600000045:    ""
0x600000046:    ""
0x600000047:    ""
0x600000048:    ""
0x600000049:    ""
0x60000004a:    ""

So it is a portion of the file name as before,
I start to feel that a pointer is not a NULL as should be...

Good Luck,


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