Hi,I have the following problems now.

【use of cygwin】
I executed to use "Remote Command(rcp/rsh)" from Solaris to Windows and 

Problem is "Stop" the system during File transfer and windows bat module

The number of issues of remote commands(rcp/rsh) exceeded the upper
bound connection number in the unit time of the inetd service, and
processing stopped.

When the inetd source code was confirmed, 「TOOMANY」 
and「CNT_INTVL」were set as follows.

#define TOOMANY         40
#define CNT_INTVL       60

The following commands were executed from the command prompt.

sc config inetd binPath= "C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\inetd.exe -R 200"
net stop inetd
net start inetd

Processing stopped though the value was greatly set and the option -R was
Can a set numerical value of 「TOOMANY」 and 「CNT_INTVL」 be changed by
using an optional command -R ?

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