
I am having a real problem with 1.7 that I am pretty sure is a regression. Basically, I am trying to run a find over the cygwin root installation directory itself, not from cygwin path /. However I am finding that the cygdrive directory at the cygwin root installation directory also mounts my drives. So, my find is finding a hole to make its way out of the current directory. This also appears to be a regression. The following is an example for 1.7:

sha...@x-vista ~
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.0 x-vista 1.7.0(0.212/5/3) 2009-09-11 01:25 i686 Cygwin

sha...@x-vista ~
$ mount
C:/software/cygwin/bin on /usr/bin type ntfs (binary,auto)
C:/software/cygwin/lib on /usr/lib type ntfs (binary,auto)
C:/software/cygwin on / type ntfs (binary,auto)
C: on /cygdrive/c type ntfs (binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto)
D: on /cygdrive/d type ntfs (binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto)
E: on /cygdrive/e type ntfs (binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto)

sha...@x-vista ~
$ cd /cygdrive/c/software/cygwin/

sha...@x-vista /cygdrive/c/software/cygwin
$ ls ./cygdrive
c  d  e

sha...@x-vista /cygdrive/c/software/cygwin

where as 1.5:

sha...@x-vista ~
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.0 x-vista 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2008-06-12 19:34 i686 Cygwin

sha...@x-vista ~
$ mount
C:\software\cygwin-1.5\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
C:\software\cygwin-1.5\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
C:\software\cygwin-1.5 on / type system (binmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type system (binmode,noumount)
d: on /cygdrive/d type system (binmode,noumount)
e: on /cygdrive/e type system (binmode,noumount)

sha...@x-vista ~
$ cd /cygdrive/c/software/cygwin-1.5

sha...@x-vista /cygdrive/c/software/cygwin-1.5
$ ls ./cygdrive

sha...@x-vista /cygdrive/c/software/cygwin-1.5

Genuine bug?

Thanks in advance,

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