I am attempting to use the unattended installation capabilities in
1.7.  I have an installed 1.7 to which I would  like to add the curl
package.  The 1.7 documentation still says that setup does not support
unattended installation.  However, there are clearly a number of
switches which can be seen from 'setup-1.7.exe --help' suggesting that
this is happening.

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.0-WOW64 pwatson 1.7.0(0.214/5/3) 2009-10-03 14:33 i686 Cygwin

I am using the following command.  The caret is the CMD line
continuation character.

C:\Master\Cygwin1.7\setup-1.7.exe ^
--site http://mirrors.xmission.com ^
--root C:/cygwin1.7 ^
--local-package-dir C:\Master\Cygwin1.7 ^
--no-shortcuts ^
--no-startmenu ^
--no-desktop ^
--packages curl

It appears that by not using --quite-mode, setup will go through the
interactive process using the other settings specified.  Is that

When I use the script above, it appears that the --site I specify is
added to the list.  However, using that entry always results in the
failure message:

    Unable to get setup-2.ini from <http://mirrors.xmission.com>

This happens for every --site, not just Xmission.

Where can I find practical information about making this work, perhaps
with example(s).  Any other suggestions?

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