On 07/05/2010 04:58, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 05:09:00AM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 07/05/2010 04:41, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 03:22:58AM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>>>> On 06/05/2010 21:36, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 03:22:39PM -0500, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
>>>>>> Please bear in mind that what you are attempting to do is not really
>>>>>> supported, so don't be surprised if you don't get a bunch of help.
>>>>> I don't see why this wouldn't be supported actually.  If the 32/64 bit
>>>>> systems have similar setups it should just work.
>>>>   But surely they'll have different and incmpatible SIDs and perms and
>>>> everything?
>>> True, when I do this, I do have a different version of group and passwd
>>> per system.
>>> But, actually Corinna is contemplating something that will make that
>>> unnecessary.
>>  So, it might just start working as-is if OP runs mkpasswd and mkgroup from
>> within both 64-bit and 32-bit boot systems and concatenates the results.
> You'd have to make sure that everything was world-readable too.

  Won't we get lucky there, with the way that the None and Administrator
groups have the same RIDs everywhere?


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