Lee Rothstein wrote:
 On 9/24/2010 5:15 AM, SJ Wright wrote:
I'd like my terminal title bar to show my current working directory, the running process (with a fall-back to the active shell when idle) and the word "Cygwin."

I have an old .bashrc file in which I collected code for the middle bit (running process), but putting the three together and making them work regardless of $TERM type is a challenge that's more than a little 'beyond my ken.' Nevertheless, as I think it would look great and be sufficiently informative at the same time, I'd like to pursue it.

I haven't given up totally on rxvt: mintty has more than a few shortcomings imo, but I suspect a large part of that is that I'm not used to using an xterm variant outside of X or GNOME. Anyway, all of that is for another email.

Where it meets at odd angles with this idea, is in that I suspect if I start with "tweaked" xterm settings that check out in rxvt, the strictly X syntax will work in mintty. In a sense, by going that route, I'll be 'ahead of the game' instead of 'trying to catch up.'

Any help in this regard would be much appreciated.

See attachment. Invoke in your profile as:
. set_prompt.s


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Save as an occasional change to my 'ls' command, or to distinguish a positive from a negative return in a script's stdout, I find color in terminals very tacky and distracting. And as I thought I made clear, I was quite satisfied with the prompt I had. It was only the title-bar I wanted to 'fancy up' .

To be fair, I'll go over the script attachment with a fine-tooth comb and see where or if there are other options pertaining to Title Bar customization. From what I've read so far, though, it appears that with bash I've backed the wrong horse, so far as getting the running process name in the title bar goes. The name of the shell is called by /s, I found out. I still wonder why Bourne (or his 'successors') didn't think a blind 'ps -head1' was worth setting an escape character for?

As you might be able to tell, I've looked into this just a bit since posting the request for help on the 24th.

Steve W

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