On 11/16/2010 9:59 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
The failing chmod(/dev/tty1, 0622) is actually trying to change the
permissions on internal objects, like events, mutexes, and pipes, which
together constitute a tty/pty.

Here are some more data points:

1. I have access to four computers with Cygwin installations, and I can reproduce the problem on all four (including the fact that the problem occurs with the 9-17 snapshot but not the 9-12 snapshot). The computers all have similar setups and all run XP SP3, so this may not mean much.

2. To rule out the most common form of BLODA, I uninstalled the anti-virus software on one of the computers. This made no difference.

3. All four systems have two parallel Cygwin installations. I removed the second installation on one of them. This made no difference.

I realize that you can't debug this if you can't reproduce it. Is there anything I can try? I don't have much programming/debugging experience, but I'm pretty good at following directions.


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