On 2/9/2011 7:30 AM, Rafael Kitover wrote:
> I first reported this problem to the Win32::OLE Perl module RT queue,
> but as it turns out, the problem is in the Cygwin shell environment and
> not in the Cygwin perl or the module.
> From Cygwin bash:
> $ perl -MWin32::OLE -wle 'Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Connection")'
> Win32::OLE(0.1709) error 0x8007007e: "The specified module could not be
> found" at -e line 1
> In a cmd.exe window:
> c:\users\rkitover>c:\cygwin\bin\perl -MWin32::OLE -wle
> "Win32::OLE->new(q{ADODB.Connection})"
> c:\users\rkitover>
> that executes successfully.
> Any ideas what can cause this?
> It seems unlikely to be environment variables as Cygwin leaves most
> environment variables alone, and COMSPEC is still set to cmd.exe.

Anyone have an idea?

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