
I have these two lines in my .screenr:

backtick  0 0 0 echo $LOGNAME
caption always "%{= c}[%0`@%H:%n%f  %{w}%t  %{r}loadavg: %l  %=%{g}%Y-%
m-%d %0c:%s]%{d}"

Screen always displayed this until cygwin1-20110520.dll as 
[thorsten@hombre:0$    loadavg: 0.00 0.00 0.00      2011-05-30 17:20:46]

Starting with cygwin1-20110528.dll it displays as:
[@hombre:0$    loadavg: 0.00 0.00 0.00      2011-05-30 17:20:46]

$LOGNAME is nonetheless set


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