Hi all,

I use latest cygwin (setup-version: 2.763), and I meet the following 

I use the following command to download the setup-2.9.4321.exe, which is 
the setup program for miktex:

curl -L http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/win32/miktex/setup/
setup-2.9.4321.exe -O ./miktex/setup/

In this case, the setup-2.9.4321.exe should be put into the ./miktex/
setup/ with the original filename, but I always find that the 
setup-2.9.4321.exe is put into the current working directory.  Any hints 
on this issue?

Best regards.
.: Hongyi Zhao [ hongyi.zhao AT gmail.com ] Free as in Freedom :.

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