On 2/24/2012 10:56 AM, Jim Rome wrote:

Could you post the command line(s) you used?  Maybe
we can spot something  ....     EM

Usage: tkfPush port tkf_file_name_path launch_java(t/f)
C:\Users\jar>tkfpush 4879 Bar.tkf t
Client: WSAStartup() is OK.
jar location="C:\Users\jar\Tekdraw2\tekPlot\dist\tekPlot.jar"
Client: WSAStartup() is OK.
Client: socket() is OK.
Unable to access jarfile
socket connect failed: No error
Client: connect() - Failed to connect.

Here's the thing I am wondering about:

In bash, in a " " quoted string, backslash acts kind of as in C and may
need to be escaped (doubled). It can be tricky/painful to find the
right quoting/escaping combination to get what is necessary. In a
' ' quoted string, you get what you type. So it would be interesting
to see the line that tries to invoke java. You might need to run a
script with -v or -x (or both) in effect to see exactly what bash
is doing ...


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