So just an update as to what ended up happening to my Cygwin ---

Yes, the commands were available when I typed the full path. I should
have known that. But updating the permissions to 644 did not work. I
could not set the owner and group to "root" because there weren't such
user and group (mine is a corporate PC with domain, if that helps).

So I ended up removing the Cygwin and reinstalling and now it is working fine.

Thank you for your help,



Bilig Ordos writes:
> After this, I'm still having the same issue - I can only execute the
> internal "bash" commands, which are the commands listed by doing
> "help" from the shell. I'm not able to run any other commands such as
> "ls", "uname", and "man" ...

Others have mentioned things for you to try.  I'm just going to respond to this
little bit above.  The commands are likely still present, it's just that until
things are fixed you'll have to type a little bit more.  You have to give the
full path to run commands.  For instance, to run 'ls' you have to enter
'/bin/ls' and to run 'chown' you have to enter '/bin/chown'.  Once the file
perms are set properly, as outlined in another response, you won't need to type
the extra stuff anymore.


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