On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 06:47:49PM +0100, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> Hi Denis,
>> can you please test this again using the latest developer snapshot or
>> the current from CVS if you build Cygwin by yourself?  It provides a bit
>> more information to find the reason for the permission denied error in
>> _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe.
Thank you cgf (the committer and snapshot maker at least).
>> In theory, the user should have permissions to duplicate handles into
>> every own process, if the handle has been opened with these permissions,
>> so it's quite interesting to find the reason.

After about 3 hours of exercising the new snapshot (and shaking it a
little), i met the "something failed" instance only twice:

      1 [main] tcsh 7648! _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: (child_info_spawn::worker) 
process synchronization failed for pid 7648/0x754, wr_proc_pipe 0x0 vs. 0x764: 
DuplicateHandle winerr 5, WFSO returned 258, Win32 error 5
    503 [main] tcsh 6148! _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: (child_info_spawn::worker) 
process synchronization failed for pid 6148/0x758, wr_proc_pipe 0x0 vs. 0x768: 
DuplicateHandle winerr 5, WFSO returned 258, Win32 error 5

I continue, of course.


Denis Excoffier.

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