On 5/14/2012 8:29 AM, Ken Jackson wrote:
Recently, emacs in a terminal started hanging:

   /usr/bin/emacs -nw --no-init-file --no-site-file

I had to kill it from another terminal window.

But I noticed /usr/bin/emacs points through alternatives to
/usr/bin/emacs-X11, so I started calling  /usr/bin/emacs-nox
directly.  (Actually I modified my emn script.)  This solves
the problem for me.

But "emacs -nw" has worked forever until very recently.

This is a known problem with emacs-23 and glib >= 2.31:


I guess the problem just showed up on Cygwin a few days ago because of the recent update of the GNOME libraries. And I didn't notice it myself because I've been using emacs-24, which doesn't have the problem.

I'll prepare an update ASAP with a fix. In the meantime, you can continue with your workaround of calling emacs-nox.exe directly, or you can try the test version of emacs-24 that's available via setup.exe. The latter would be appreciated; emacs-24.1 is going to be released fairly soon, and it would be nice to have some Cygwin users test it.

Thanks for the report.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's emacs maintainer

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