On 5/22/2012 9:06 PM, Matt Seitz (matseitz) wrote:
From: Cygwin-L On Behalf Of Warren Young

I would say that the vast majority of the packages in the Cygwin
distribution could not reasonably make use of 64-bit data spaces.

However, one of your arguments in this thread cuts both ways: the fact
that there are a few packages that reasonably can do so means you cannot
say "we don't need it".

If someone wants a 64-bit version of a packages in the distribution, then how 
about they build a 64-bit version of the package and report the results?  That 
would give the distribution maintainers actual data about the costs and 

Could you please stop this discussion ?

Until we work and deploy a 64bit cygwin1.dll the idea to build
any 64 bit cygwin program is pure academic and not very useful.

If you want to propose patches for 64 bit cygwin
cygwin-developers is the right mailing list.


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