On 9/19/2012 10:45 PM, Charles Wilson wrote:
> On 9/19/2012 1:41 PM, jafa wrote:
>> Running SSHD from the user account like this basically works - I can ssh
>> into the machine, but the env vars are not quite right.
>> For example, local bash:
>> TEMP=/tmp
>> temp=C:\Users\build\AppData\Local\Temp
>> TMP=/tmp
>> tmp=C:\Users\build\AppData\Local\Temp
>> SSH session:
>> temp=
>> TEMP=/tmp
>> tmp=
>> TMP=/tmp
> Try installing the test version of the base-files package (4.1-2).
> There was a thread six months ago or so where it was decided that
> setting vars in both upcase and lowercase was a bad idea (breaks .net
> applications, for one thing, and confuses many others).  This change
> was implemented in base-files as a test, but has never been promoted.
Windows sets temp and tmp to windows style paths (eg
Cygwin sets TEMP and TMP to cygwin style paths (eg /tmp)

Confirming, MSVS fails to compile if both "TMP" and "tmp" are set.
The workaround is to unset TEMP and TMP on the line that invokes MSVS.
MSVS detects the Windows style "temp" and "tmp" vars and runs ok.

Having just one "TMP" var may cause problems... if TMP is set to a
cygwin style path MSVS won't work, and if TMP is set to a Windows style
path some cygwin apps might not work.

The current release implementation works ok - Cygwin apps work without
issue and MSVS works as long as you unset TEMP and TMP before invoking.


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