On 2/9/2014 7:49 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, carolus!

Just create a shell link in your personal "Send To..." folder with specified
command. On Windows XP, it is in "%USERPROFILE%/SendTo".

    On Windows 7, %USERPROFILE$ points to my user folder.  But I get an
"access forbidden" message if I try to open the SendTo subdirectory from

It's likely a symlink... Let me find my netbook.

It's in "%AppData%/Microsoft/Windows/SendTo"

I've finally tracked it down on my Windows 7 computer to


.> Just make a copy of default Cygwin shortcut in SendTo, and edit it's
command line to suit your needs.

Did that. In the shortcut properties, I followed Anton (with slight modification, since I routinely put my own stuff in /usr/local) to enter in the "target" field

C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -e c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin\vim.sh

with the vim.sh that he suggests.

Right-click and "Send To" now briefly flashes a Cygwin console but then immediately closes it.

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