On 2/9/2014 5:54 PM, Lee wrote:

I'm surprised this worked, but
right click on a .txt file in explorer, select open with, choose program
click on "browse", navigate to c:\cygwin\bin (or wherever you
installed cygwin), double-click on vi.exe

Hot dog!  It really works.  (But on my system it is vim-nox.exe, not vi.exe)

This solves the problem, but it would still be nice to get the "SendTo" method working to provide an option for when the default association is not appropriate.

have you tried http://www.vim.org/download.php
installs a windows version of vi that you can put in your path&  no
nasty cygwin/windows permissions or line endings issues.

Some lines in my configuration file go back 20 years and I'd rather not monkey with my habitual environment. (I still use .exrc, from old vi days, rather than .vimrc) I also prefer to use a vim version that is ubiquitous on linux and even present on my wife's Mac.

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