> From: Christopher Faylor
> There is no automated way to do that if you are using the digest.  Digests
> are intended for casual perusal of the list, not for active communication.

FWIW, I get digest format, but still make threaded replies (such as this) with 
a few extra steps that may not be obvious. This presumes using Outlook. YMMV.

If you can wait for the digest, you can simply open the selected message from
the digest and reply to that, and it will be threaded.

If you can't wait, then read the message using your browser and click on the
"Raw text" link near the top. The first line will say something like
From cygwin-return-191383-listarch-cygwin=...
Note the message number 191383.
Then you send an empty message to cygwin-get.191...@cygwin.com and it will
mail you back the specified message. You can then reply to it and your reply 
will be threaded.

--Ken Nellis

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