> If you can wait for the digest, you can simply open the selected message from
> the digest and reply to that, and it will be threaded.
Using Gmail, it doesn't seem to offer a way to see them as separate
mails or reply to a particular one, though. Oh, well...

> If you can't wait, then read the message using your browser and click on the
> "Raw text" link near the top. The first line will say something like
> From cygwin-return-191383-listarch-cygwin=...
> Note the message number 191383.
> Then you send an empty message to cygwin-get.191...@cygwin.com and it will
> mail you back the specified message. You can then reply to it and your reply
> will be threaded.
Perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Agree it's not the most
direct method, but then again solves all the situations I could think
of requiring a physical email message that can be replied to.

Thanks for the tip Ken!

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