On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Corinna Vinschen
<corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> wrote:
> On Jan 13 09:59, Ismail Donmez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Corinna Vinschen
>> <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> wrote:
>> > I tried to workaround this problem by "upgrading" the DLL load
>> > mechanism to use the facilities available since Vista.  In theory
>> > this should work fine for you.  I uploaded a new developer snapshot
>> > to https://cygwin.com/snapshots/  Please give it a try.
>> Sadly still getting the same error.
> That doesn't make sense.  The new code has a fallback which is identical
> to the code in -0.17.  No offence, but are you *sure* you're using the
> snapshot DLL?  Uname on 64 bit should print:
>  $ uname -srvm
>  $ CYGWIN_NT-6.1 2.4.0(0.293/5/3) 2016-01-12 14:54 x86_64

Sorry for that, indeed somehow it overwrite the cygwin1.dll I guess
because I ran setup.exe first and it re-installed -0.18 and then I
manually overwrited cygwin1.dll but somehow failed.

Anyhow it works now, thanks!


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