
I'm trying to use rsync on Windows Server 2012R2 to sync files to a *nix system 
(Ubuntu 14.04 or FreeNAS 9.10).  The file set I'm trying to sync contains files 
with unusual characters in the names.  Most files sync without issue but those 
files with unusual characters do not sync and rsync logs a message like the 

  file has vanished: "BackUps(old)/Backup Pre-Rolled Payroll 
2015"16-MBTT2016.zip" (in VSSG)
  file has vanished: "Corrupted files/Payment Summaries/Payment Summaries 
2015"2016" (in VSSG)
  file has vanished: "Restore/MBTT2017"2016-07-12 MBTT2016.zip" (in VSSG)

The " character mid file name is where the unusual character is.  The character 
in question in all my test cases is (on Windows) a dot vertically centered.  
I've only a minimal understanding of character encoding but it seems to me that 
it is a 0x2D followed by a 0x31 which makes it a type of dash I guess.

I've given this a good Googling but haven't been able to work it out.  I've 
tried every combination of --iconv and "charset = " that has been suggested.

I'm a bit stuck on how to move forward from here.  Any help or suggestions 
would be greatly appreciated.  I can provide an archive with some example files 
is it will help.


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