On 2017-04-10 16:01, Wayne Barron wrote:
> I did the Help, then I looked into the README file.
> And I found the command that I needed.
> cygport liquidsoap/liquidsoap.cygport download
> I get this error when i run it.
> /usr/bin/cygport: line 404: cd: liquidsoap: No such file or directory
> *** ERROR: liquidsoap.cygport not found.
> I know I have missed a step.

mkdir -p /usr/src/liquidsoap    OR ~/src/liquidsoap     OR ...
cd /usr/src/liquidsoap          OR      ""
git clone https://github.com/cygwinports-extras/liquidsoap .
cygport liquidsoap.cygport all

cygport creates a tree of directories for each version built 
below your current working directory under <pkg>-<ver>.<arch>/

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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