In summary:
1. Home directory is not accessible via: 'cd <return>' or 'cd ~' (it
   takes me to /tmp) and 'ls -al /home' shows my home directory as
   having corrupted permissions, UID and GID (all are ???)

2. Home directory is accessible and shows proper perms/UID/GID when I
   go there with the full path from /cygdrive/c


After installing cygwin (using --noadmin flag), rebooting, and
launching a cygwin shell, I get the message:
    mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/myname': No such file or directory
    /home/myname could not be created.
    Setting HOME to /tmp

Then, if I go to /home and type:
      #ls -al
      ls: cannot access 'myname': No such file or directory
      total 4
      drwxrwxrwt+ 1 myname somegroup(513) 0 Aug 27 15:35 .
      drwx------+ 1 myname somegroup(513) 0 Aug 25 17:55 ..
      d?????????? ? ?      ?              ?            ? myname

And, indeed from there, I can't ls/cd into the 'myname' home directory
- nor can I change the perms or uid/gid.

HOWEVER, if I go manually to the home directory using the full path
relative to C:, everything seems fine.

#cd /cygdrive/c/Users/myname/Desktop/cygwin/home
#ls -al
drwxrwxrwt+ 1 myname somegroup(513) 0 Aug 27 15:35 .
drwx------+ 1 myname somegroup(513) 0 Aug 25 17:55 ..
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 myname somegroup(513) 0 Aug 27 14:55 myname

And I can then ls/cd into the intact 'myname' home directory.

Note I don't have admin permission on this machine so I used
'cygwin-setup --no-admin' to install Cygwin.

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