Hi Brian,
> Works fine for me with all test packages upgraded to the same version and 
> either
> shell restarted or DLLs rebased by setup.
> Please check that libncursesw10 has also been upgraded to the same version
> 6.3-1.20220416 e.g.
> $ grep ncurses /etc/setup/installed.db
> libncursesw10 libncursesw10-6.3-1.20220416.tar.bz2 0
> ncurses-demo ncurses-demo-6.3-1.20220416.tar.bz2 1
Yep, that was the problem! Thank you!

I think it might be more informative to either produce a warning about 
incompatible library versions rather than just silently exiting or requiring a 
certain minimum version of the library with the demos (not sure if that's 
possible with cygport). 


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