cgf quoted and wrote:
> >>The FAQ and the CygWin mailing list indicated that there might be some
> >>advantage to renaming /usr/lib/libm.a to /usr/lib/libm.a.16bit but that
> >>had no effect.
> >
> >That looks like bogus information.  Rename it back to its correct name.
> It is surely bogus information.  I can't find anything in the FAQ which
> suggests this.  If it really is there somewhere, I'd appreciate a pointer
> so that it can be fixed.

It isn't in the FAQ.  It was in the following misguided posting
from Martin Gainty:

Maybe it is time to add to the FAQ (or emphasize, if I've missed it)
that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is *absolutely nothing* to do with 16-bit code or
libraries.  [To anyone curious, I believe it indicates that WinMain is a
function which takes a parameter list of exactly 16 bytes, and pops them
off the stack before returning to the caller - ie it follows the
Pascal/stdcall/winapi convention.]

-- Cliff

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