Jordan Bortz wrote

> It does nt work at refuses to download the list of mirrors;
> if I install from a local disk, it shows hardly any packages in the
> avaialble list.
> When it attempts to install something, what it usually install is just the
> directories.
> I could go on and on and screenshots and etc...The bottoms line is it
> work, (on my machine) if you want to believe it works on every machine,
> fine.
> I've given up on cygwin but I'm letting you know fwiw that the installer
> seems incredibly broken.

It's not at all clear what you hope to achieve by this message.  setup.exe
works just fine for most people (thousands or more).  It's clear you are
having a problem with it, but unless you give more information there is
anyone can do to help you.  If you want to give up on Cygwin that's your
choice - but if instead you could try to help people diagnose and solve
the problem you have it may benefit others as well as yourself.

We need to know exactly where setup failed, exactly what you did up to
that point, and exactly what happened when it failed - any error
messages or other output which you wre not expecting or did not understand.

Are you behind a firewall?  Being unable to download the mirror list
suggests you have a fundamental problem with your internet access.

-- Cliff

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