To all,

I have a win2003 enterprise server running cygwin 1.5.0/openssh (current
version).  I generated keys for my systems and put them in my
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.  I have 2 systems WinXP and Win2003
Enterprise server, both running same version of cygwin and openssh.
Locally on the win2003 server I can ssh localhost and it asks me for a
password and I can login, as well as any other user that is created with
a password.  What I cannot do is login with my SSH keys.  If I try to
authenticate with SSH KEY it kicks me out only after saying it excepted
my KEY.  When I executed ssh -vvv localhost (using KEY) I can see where
it excepted my KEY but in the event viewer it gives me some error
message about SETUID permission denied.  Forgive me if I don't have the
exact verbage, but if someone needs I can probably get it.  I set in my
environment variables "CYGWIN=ntsec tty", but still no luck in getting
the keys to work.  Any ideas?  The permissions look good and Im assuming
maybe has something to do with win2003 server and its new security
features.  Is there maybe something I have to enable in order for the
KEYS to work?

Todd C. Bowden 

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