Weird issue. Just documenting it here - it's more of a curiosity.

You can't look up mount point registry entries via the /proc/registry
interface, because the mount point names (which become the directory
entries) have "/"s in them.

$ ls -l /proc/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Cygnus\
Solutions/Cygwin/mounts\ v2/
total 0
drwxrwx---+   8 shankar  Users           0 Apr 25 13:31 /
drwxrwx---+   2 shankar  Users           0 Jul 11 15:11 /usr/bin
drwxrwx---+  21 shankar  Users           0 Jul 11 15:11 /usr/lib
-r--r-----    1 shankar  Users           4 Jul 11 15:11 cygdrive flags
-r--r-----    1 shankar  Users          10 Jul 11 15:11 cygdrive prefix

Oh, but how do I look inside that "/" entry :-/?

(How *would* something like this be done, anyway? Would it make sense to
encode the special characters in the key and value names somehow?)

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