On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 11:29:22AM -0700, Shankar Unni wrote:
>Weird issue. Just documenting it here - it's more of a curiosity.

It's been documented before.

>You can't look up mount point registry entries via the /proc/registry
>interface, because the mount point names (which become the directory
>entries) have "/"s in them.
>$ ls -l /proc/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Cygnus\
>Solutions/Cygwin/mounts\ v2/
>total 0
>drwxrwx---+   8 shankar  Users           0 Apr 25 13:31 /
>drwxrwx---+   2 shankar  Users           0 Jul 11 15:11 /usr/bin
>drwxrwx---+  21 shankar  Users           0 Jul 11 15:11 /usr/lib
>-r--r-----    1 shankar  Users           4 Jul 11 15:11 cygdrive flags
>-r--r-----    1 shankar  Users          10 Jul 11 15:11 cygdrive prefix
>Oh, but how do I look inside that "/" entry :-/?
>(How *would* something like this be done, anyway? Would it make sense to
>encode the special characters in the key and value names somehow?)

As far as the cygwin mount table goes, I'm very happy that this temptation
to use the registry rather than the mount command is bypassed.


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