Hi to all,

I am relatively new to this newsgroup and I am not sure, whether my
question annoys you. So please don't stab at me. I did some research on
this problem, though. So far unsuccessful.

I am running cygwin ( l.5.5 ) on a Win 2k ( 1,8 Ghz; 512 MB Ram) machine
with rsync as a service. Each night I do a simple

rsync -e ssh -a --delete --modify-window=2 /home/"samba all shares"/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cygdrive/x/backup

cron job from a RedHat 8.0 server. This satifies all my present needs.
However, over a couple of days rsync.exe and sshd.exe processes are
adding up (over 100 at my last count) until the Win 2k machine runs out
of memory. Each process eats about 2.000-3.000 K.
The backup still works ok and I can't find any error messages on my
linux machine.

Could someone point the problem in front of this terminal to the right

Thanks a lot


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