On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 11:40:37AM -0600, Brian Ford wrote:
>I'll take a shot at a few of these I know.
>On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, zze-BDE balg011 VAUCHER Laurent DvSI/SIReS/GRE wrote:
>>   I'm trying to understand how to build an application using
>> both Cygwin and (some) WIN32 APIs and I stumbled into a
>> problem using exactly whet the FAQ says (even if it says
>> it is not up to date).
>>  Example program : main.c
>> --------------------------
>> #include <windows.h>
>> int main(int arc, char *argv[])
>> {
>>   BOOL sm;
>>   /* The following function is in USER32.DLL */
>>   SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING, 0, &sm, 0);
>>   return 0;
>> }
>> I tried compiling like the FAQ says I should :
>> > gcc -o main main.c -luser32
>WFM.  Try gcc --verbose -o main main.c -luser32 and see what it is finding
>for -luser32.
>> All I get is "undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>> Since it seems that the 'interface' libs live in /usr/lib/w32api,
>> I tried to add -L/usr/lib/w32api, but the result is the same.
>They should be searched automatically.

As should libuser32.a.  There is no reason to include it on the command line.


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