Larry wrote:

>> OK, you've explained the problem but didn't include
>> any concrete information about your environment and
>> configuration, so it's not really worthwhile for someone
>> to make suggestions of things to look for.

Actually it's even worse than that. I asked a question that could
have been answered by careful review of the error messages I
received and some more studying of the Cygwin

Just in case anyone else is having this problem, the answer
in a nutshell is that I installed Cygwin when not logged
in to my NT domain. The remedy was to log in to the domain
and relaunch Cygwin. Once I did that, Cygwin then created
a home directory for me on my "Z" drive, which is actually
a hard map to a network drive (have to do it this way for
compatability with some old software). Since I want to be
able to use Cygwin while disconnected, I manually edited
/etc/passwd to change the home directory to a new directory
under /home (which I also created). Then I copied all the
individualized files (e.g., .bashrc) from the Z: drive
directory to the new home directory. Testing under both
logged in and not logged in conditions worked fine after
these changes.



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