On Wed, Dec 24, 2003 at 10:52:47AM -0800, Steven Elliot Harris wrote:
>"Yadin Y Goldschmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>The most recent snapshot from 12/23 solved all these problems.
>I disagree.  For the first time in about three months, XEmacs (along
>with Gnus using a whole bunch of child processes) works almost fine.
>That is, the network connections opened by Gnus, openssl, and starttls
>stay open longer than ten seconds and don't block XEmacs when it tries
>to read from or close these connections.  Thank you for that.
>But XEmacs (21.4.13) still crashes the moment one exits Gnus.  This is
>probably related to XEmacs shutting down the child processes mentioned

So, if I am understanding you correctly then this is not a regression.
Since I don't use XEmacs, this is likely to stay broken.

>Also, keychain or ssh-agent don't work properly with this
>snapshot. Keychain starts up ssh-agent, but no subsequent ssh (or
>ssh-add) operations can communicate with the started agent.

ssh-agent and ssh-add are working fine for me.  I don't use keychain,
however.  I don't know what "no subsequent ssh operations can communicate
with the started agent" means.  What, specifically, are you seeing?

>I'd send my full cygcheck output, but cygcheck won't run properly,

Are you running cygcheck from the snapshot?


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