I ran the cygwin setup.exe to install inet_utils, and found that a good number 
of cygwin apps got upgraded without my asking it to.  I then found every 
Cygwin app calling the error

"main] ? 2988 shared_info::initialize: size of shared memory region 
>changed from 21008 to 47112"

After some judicious Googling, I found the following message explaining the 
problem as running two different versions of Cygwin at the same time:  

My only question is, how do I remedy this?  Do I need to uninstall and 
reinstall everything?  Is there a quick & easy way to clean this up wtihout 
such a major overhaul? 

All I really wanted was a telnet client for cygwin....

btw, if anyone responds, please CC my email on the reply - I am not on the 
cygwin mailing list.

Thanks much,

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