Krzysztof wrote:

> Gerrit P. Haase  wrote:

>> More difficult is C++, ObjC, Java and Fortran which have their runtime
>> in /usr/lib, there is just one version possible, versioned libraries are
>> currently not supported.

> Is this true? I have 3.3.1 libraries in /lib and
> /lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1, but 2.95 libraries only in
> /lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/2.95.3-10.

There was no libjava with 2.x compilers.  There was no libobjc with 2.x
compilers.  What about libstdc++?

> When 3.4 becomes default and
> official, could you release a 3.3 build with libraries moved completely to
> /lib/gcc-lib ?

Hmmm, I don't like maintaining two versions of a package, if 3.4 is
stable it will be the one and only current version.

>> In case you need several libstdc++ libraries I recommend to rebuild the
>> compiler yourself (should be no problem if you use the provided sources,
>> at least since version 3.3.1 all is in the source tarball included) and
>> use the configure option to enable versioned libs:
>> --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs

> What will it do? Will it rename libstdc++ to something like libstdc++3.3?

Yes.  You may also rename the libraries manually, of course that should
only work in case you use gcc(-3.3.3) as driver then, you need to
specify the library explicitly when linking  when using gcc to link C++
objects anyway, so say now:
  gcc-3.3.3 -o myc++.exe myc++file.C -lstdc++3.3.3

However I'm sure it would not work with g++ as driver to just rename the
runtime since g++ has builtin to look after libstdc++ now, therefore a
rebuild is more interesting for you.


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