On Mar  8 11:17, Frank Jacobs wrote:
> If I attempt to run lpr under cygwin 1.5.13-1, I get the following
> error:
> lpr: printer error: can't open '' for writing: The printer name is
> invalid.
> However, if I downgrade to cygwin 1.5.12-1, lpr works fine.
> Note that the issue does not appear to be due to the cygutils version
> (the package that lpr is in). I've tried both version 1.2.6-1 and
> 1.2.5-1 of cygutils with cygwin 1.5.13-1 and I still get the same
> error message.

With both cygwin and the cygwin1-20050308.dll.bz2
snapshot I also get the same error message. It works OK
using 1.5.12-1.

I believe the problem may be in cygutils-1.2.6/src/lpr/lpr.cc
at the call

  cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(printerName.c_str(), winPrinter);

If I have a network printer in the environment variable

 export PRINTER="//pecsele/prt106"

or explicitly on the command line

 lpr -d //pecsele/prt106

I have the problem in 1.5.13-1 and the snapshot.

Using the debug switch on lpr gives a list of printer names.

$ export PRINTER="//pecsele/prt106"
$ echo | lpr -D
Windows printer name = ''
isWindows9x = 0, isWindows2K_NT4 = 1
Printer name: 'HP LaserJet 4000 Series PS', Port name: 'prt106'
Printer name: 'Generic / Text Only', Port name: 'FILE:'
Printer name: 'Apple LaserWriter 16/600 PS', Port name: 'FILE:'
Printer name: 'Acrobat Distiller', Port name: 'C:\Documents and 
Settings\All Users\Desktop\*.pdf'
Printer name: '\\Xerox\XEROX470', Port name: '\\Xerox\XEROX470'
Printer name: '\\b2600\sw4050n', Port name: '\\b2600\sw4050n'
Printer name: '\\b2600\sw2100', Port name: '\\b2600\sw2100'
lpr: printer error: can't open '' for writing: The printer name is 

If I use one of the listed names, e.g.,

  export PRINTER="HP LaserJet 4000 Series PS"

then lpr works with 1.5.13-1 and the 20050308 snapshot.

Could this be due to a change in 1.5.13-1's handling of "//"?

Roger L. Gates

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