On Aug  3 13:42, Tom Rodman wrote:
> Thanks Larry.
> The hang happens completely outside of cygwin also.  It hangs
> if you type "tlist bash" from a cmd.exe prompt.

Tip of the day:  Read *all* of Larry's reply.


> On Wed 8/3/05 14:10 EDT Cygwin List wrote:
> > At 11:25 AM 8/3/2005, you wrote:
> > >Under 1.5.18 and several earlier releases the w2k resource kit tool "tlist"
> > >hangs for me (tested on two windows 2000 server boxes):
> > >
> > >  Example (assume bash is running), then type:
> > >
> > >    tlist bash
> > >
> > >    # if you ^C, it will eventually die
> > >
> > >    # it may also eventually complete, I have not waited more than ~2 min
> > >
> > >Not sure if this is exposing a bug.  Just an observation.
> > 
> > 
> > We would really need a complete problem report to make a good guess.  See
> > the problem reporting guidelines at:
> > 
> > >Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
> > 
> > My WAG is that you have "tty" in your Cygwin environment variable.  If 
> > that's true, take it out and start a new shell to see if thathelps.

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