Tod wrote:
I'm trying to compile Apache 2.0.54 under Cygwin.  I do this because I
like to keep the same configuration and file system organization to make
my build as portable as possbile under the different Unices I work with.

I like to compile apache with DSO support and all modules as shared
objects.  The compile seems to work fine but when I do the install all
the modules are named with either an .a or .la extension - I'm expecting
.so.  From various threads I've read there seems to be an issue with
libtool that contributes to this.

I tried the -no-undefined LDFLAGS option and the build failed on an
all-recursive error.

What I'm wondering is if anyone got this to work correctly and if so
could provide some pointers to get it to work.

Have you not noticed that apache2 (with .so support) is available as an official Cygwin package through setup.exe ??

Incidentally mod_php,
and mySQL is next so advice there would be appreciated  too.

I've got php5 to compile, but I've got a fair bit of work to do on it before I can release an official package.


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