Użytkownik Christopher Faylor napisał:

On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 03:28:56PM +0100, Jacek Trzcinski wrote:
U??ytkownik Eric Blake napisa??:

Hash: SHA1

According to Jacek Trzcinski on 11/14/2005 5:02 AM:

Hi everybody !
After a lot of time I decided to upgrade my very old version of Cygwin
to latest release.
Unfortunately there is something wrong when I try to execute sshd sever
by for example "net start sshd". Any trial ends with message:
"Entry point of procedure _impure_ptr not found in library cygwin1.dll".
I utilize Windows 2000 with SP4.
What is solution of my proble ?
Possibly just a reboot, but more likely a rerun of setup.exe with all
services stopped.  Although you did not follow these reporting directions:

Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
it looks like your cygwin1.dll was not upgraded because it was in use
at the time.  Therefore, when the new sshd tries to use features of the
new cygwin, but the old cygwin is still in use, you get the mentioned

Thanks for response but: 1) Rebooting did not resolve the problem 2)
Cygwin1.dll is from July 2005 so I guess it is new.  As a matter of
fact I removed all cygwin files from Cygwin directory and installed
latest version of Cygwin to other partition on my disk.  Situation did
not changed.

Nevertheless, your problem is an indication of the existence of another,
older cygwin1.dll on your system, either in a directory in your PATH or
in a windows system directory.  There is no other explanation.


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Thanks . It turned out that I had cygwin1.dll in AVR gcc compiler and it caused errors. It is a little bit strange because LoadLibrary function ( I assume Cygwin executable call that function to load Cygwin1.dll ) should first take dll from pointed path or directory where executable started. Searching in "path" environment should be carried in the end.
Thanks again.

Best regards

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